Homeopathictips 111

Homeopathic tips, Arnica Montana

Here is the text i found on the internet about a guy who posted his personal experience about arnica montana in different doses. He is not a real homeopath like I am not also, and not being a doctor prevented me to do homeopathy too.

So here are his tips, I save them on my site for myself, I used homeopathy for myself in the past a lot and it is great stuff, I never got any side effects from it and tried over 50 different high potency drugs. Like CM.

You can get a lot of stuff done with homeopathy, like getting girls (trust me on this one), feeling better, suppressing your bad stuff in your mind and getting that good love feelings.

Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.

I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.

I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.

I used Sabal S 6c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH. I changed over to Sabal S and Conium but discovered when I used Arnica for a slight wound that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to today.

It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.

I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.

The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.

I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.

I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.

Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.

I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort or itchiness.

I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.

I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.

Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.

I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.

I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.

Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.

Prevents their formation.

The ultimate remedy.

I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.

I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !

Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.

I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.

I would like to place on record that I have used Arnica every day since 1996. I can personally vouch for the fact that it is absolutely safe in daily use and can be considered a great blessing to those who use it regularly every night. Many who have met me cannot believe that I am 76 years old as they invariably estimate my age at 15 to 20 years younger than I really am. My skin does not show any signs of aging and my BP is 120/80 with pulse 65. I have no doubt that I owe my present state of wellness to Arnica.

I would not like to forget to include my discovery of Nat Phos 6x for weight reduction which I first announced to the world a year ago on the ABC and Otherhealth forums last Christmas day 2004, but I would not wish to bore you after the above list for Arnica which I would recommend you to use for your own patients who may perhaps confirm that this amazing remedy has done them some good in helping them to achieve a better quality of life than they enjoyed in the past with other drugs or Homeopathic remedies.

All I ask of you classical homeopaths is that you leave aside your prejudices about treating the disease which is the methodology that has been inculcated into you during your years of study and use my method of treating the disease, at least sometimes, when it is possible that you may surprise yourself as to how effective my method may prove to be.

I would like to stress that I have never been faced with any aggravation of any illness due to my way of treating any ailment with Homeopathic remedies by what you and others have termed “in an allopathic manner”. The worst that I have noticed is that a given remedy may not help the patient and whenever this occurs, I use another remedy which in most cases effects the expected cure.

I do not see any valid reason to subscribe to the classical method adopted by all classical homeopaths to treat the symptom instead of the ailment and shall continue to do so as I have invariably been able to help the patient successfully with the remedy, and this does not imply using Arnica alone all the time.

It is after using the classical method which I now reinforce with Radar that I was disillusioned with some years ago and it was after some tentative steps in the experimental use of remedies for the treatment of the disease that I finally decided to use this method which to me seemed to be the obvious method to be used for treating patients for their many ailments. I must admit that if I do not succeed in helping anyone to overcome his ailment after a few days, I do not hesitate to call upon assistance from Radar, and my friends in Sri Lanka and overseas to help the patient. However I am glad to state that the frequency of my calling for assistance has diminished in the recent past as I seem to be able to handle the majority of cases that are referred to me locally or on the forums.

I would like to conclude by placing on record that I value the criticism and support that other qualified Homeopaths have given me on this and other forums that enables me to improve on my own method of treatment. I do not pretend to be infallible but I do resent the unfair criticism bordering on defamation that I was faced with a few weeks ago on the NCH forum which thankfully is now effectively silenced by the moderators.

I would like to state that it is the thrill of helping someone, which as you may perhaps know, I always do free of charge, and my sincere dedication to Homeopathy, that impels me to continue in my efforts to help those whom I am able to do so with my own limited knowledge of Homeopathy which I am putting to the best use at my age of 76 years and which I hope to continue to do in the years ahead for as long as I live.

Arnica 30c is the classical remedy to help cure wounds.

I have used Arnica 30c which I discovered was better than the 6c for the last 10 years every night or more often in the case of need like after surgery. I believe that I owe to it my sense of wellness. I do not have any ache or pain in my body and I have proved that it is to Arnica that I owe my BP 120/80 with pulse 65 at age 76. I invite others to use it and to record their response to this remedy.

I have used this myself after my Retropubic Prostatectomy and can confidently recommend it for use after any major surgery. When I regained consciousness I noticed the Morphine syringe attached to the IV line and promptly ordered it removed to the consternation of the nursing staff and the surgeon, who warned me that I could even suffer from a major shock due to the pain without the morphine. I stated that I will use my Arnica alone to control the pain and they were very surprised to note that I was relatively free of pain after a few hours. I was able to leave my bed on the third day without any pain medication except for the Arnica I used every 2 hours at first and every 3 hours later. I was discharged on the 5th day and walked to my car. They were all amazed at my extremely quick recovery at 73 years.

I used Sabal S 6c when I discovered that I was allergic to Hytrin that was prescribed for my BPH. I changed over to Sabal S and Conium but discovered when I used Arnica for a slight wound that it was far superior to the other remedies I used for BPH and I stayed with it from 1996 up to today.

It amazes me how this remedy that I have given over 20 patients who were suffering from the after effects of the TURP (trans urethral resection of the prostate) surgery who were incontinent due to some misadventure on the part of the Uro who had obviously damaged the sphincter muscle in the neck of the bladder. Arnica gave more time between visits to the toilet and in many cases it stabilized the incontinence in a few months. Others use it on a twice daily basis. Always in the water dose.

I have used it for many years on every overseas trip. Dosage is 1 teaspoonful taken 3 times on the day before departure. Dry doses to be taken every 3 hours on board and 3 times on the day after arrival.

The patient gradually lost motor control of his hands and feet for about a year and was confined to either his bed or a chair where he was placed by his children. Drugs that were prescribed were not effective. This case was referred to me and my response was an act of faith on my part in giving him Arnica 1M which I gave him in the water dose. He was completely cured in 2 months. The dosage used was 1 teaspoonful (capful) twice daily. He is now quite mobile and does not use the remedy any more.

I used Arnica 1M dose 1 tsp daily in the case of a 75 year old who was showing signs of Alzheimer’s and he showed perceptible improvement in 2 weeks which was continued thereafter. He is now permanently on the Arnica. Dose 1 tsp daily.

I have used it very often when the patient complains of general body pain (not arthritic). It is also useful for chronic back pain due to previous injuries. Sciatica is also helped by a twice daily dose.

Almost everyone who has taken 1 teaspoonful of this remedy in the water dose prior to sleep has noticed the deep unbroken sleep that they experienced during the night. They wake up quite refreshed with a zing in their steps.

I have used it in over 30 cases some of which were chronic for over 10 years and within a week, the patient is usually cured. The success rate is better that 80%. I recommend that the remedy is continued but those who did not do so after about 3 months do not use it anymore and can be considered permanently cured. The skin condition after this time resembles Vitiligo especially in the chronic cases which had eroded the melanin in the skin which does not regenerate but there is no discomfort or itchiness.

I first used this remedy for a 78 year old lady who was suffering from recurrent reinfection of her legs. She had been to hospital every 6 months on 3 occasions for about a week each time where she was treated with the most powerful antibiotics which left her drained out like a rag. When she came out on the last occasion I gave her Arnica 30c in the water dose and she takes 1 teaspoonful before sleep. She was also an insomniac and now enjoys deep sleep and for the last 2 years she has not suffered from any reinfection from her Cellulitis. I have also used it for 3 other patients also in the same age group who had been hospitalized at least twice before in each case and they do not have any reinfection after many months or years. The Arnica seems to help by increasing the blood flow in the capillaries under the skin which in turn prevents reinfection. They have however to be on one dose of Arnica permanently.

I would refer to the many posts on the ABC forum where I have been advocating the use of Arnica 6c for hair growth. The success rate has been better than 80%. I use Weisbaden 200c for the stubborn cases which is taken every other day.

Many who were using Nitroglycerine on a SOS basis have been helped by the Arnica 200c which was used also on a SOS basis. For daily use as a prophylactic the patient uses Arnica 30c twice daily and is not affected by the angina any more. It is however important that the patient has his condition checked regularly.

I used Arnica in many cases that were not reacting to Bryonia 30 which is my default remedy for headaches and it worked well.

I am treating a boy who is now 6 years for the last 3 years who is a Haemophiliac with Arnica 30c for internal bleeding when he suffers from any fall or bump which causes a swelling and pain usually on his joints. The Arnica helps to dissipate the blood and reduces the swelling. I use Lachesis 200c for open cuts which bleed profusely and this arrests the bleeding in about 15 minutes. Prior to this therapy the boy had to be rushed to hospital for a drip with every fall or cut.

Hundreds of teenagers have benefited by the use of Arnica 30c. I can vouch personally for its efficacy to control styes which I used to get weekly with painful results.

Prevents their formation.

The ultimate remedy.

I believe that it helps to dissipate the swelling of the synovial fluid which causes pain. I treat the Arthritis with Rhus Tox 1M and Hypericum 200c to alleviate the pain both taken in the water dose.

I have many patients who have certified that it works like a charm !

Helps to alleviate the swelling and pain. This remedy is only effective as soon as the tonsils show signs of discomfort. Chronic cases have to be treated with an antibiotic. This remedy controls the formation of Tonsiloliths but it has to be taken on a daily basis to be effective in this control.

I consider that this is easily my most important discovery which I made quite accidentally a year ago when I gave Arnica 30c to a MD who was a Type I Diabetic to help cure a chronic non healing wound. He informed me on the day after he took 2 doses that his Blood Sugar had dropped drastically and refused to use it anymore as he felt that it was some mysterious medicine which he did not wish to experiment with as he was already on Insulin which he injected himself 4 times daily. I then gave this remedy to two Type II Diabetics and discovered that they had the same reaction when their BS dropped considerably similar to the drop caused by Metformin. I then prescribed 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder to be used twice daily and have 2 patients who are able to control their ailment without recourse to the standard drugs used for the control of Diabetes.

I would like to place on record that I have used Arnica every day since 1996. I can personally vouch for the fact that it is absolutely safe in daily use and can be considered a great blessing to those who use it regularly every night. Many who have met me cannot believe that I am 76 years old as they invariably estimate my age at 15 to 20 years younger than I really am. My skin does not show any signs of aging and my BP is 120/80 with pulse 65. I have no doubt that I owe my present state of wellness to Arnica.

I would not like to forget to include my discovery of Nat Phos 6x for weight reduction which I first announced to the world a year ago on the ABC and Otherhealth forums last Christmas day 2004, but I would not wish to bore you after the above list for Arnica which I would recommend you to use for your own patients who may perhaps confirm that this amazing remedy has done them some good in helping them to achieve a better quality of life than they enjoyed in the past with other drugs or Homeopathic remedies.

All I ask of you classical homeopaths is that you leave aside your prejudices about treating the disease which is the methodology that has been inculcated into you during your years of study and use my method of treating the disease, at least sometimes, when it is possible that you may surprise yourself as to how effective my method may prove to be.

I would like to stress that I have never been faced with any aggravation of any illness due to my way of treating any ailment with Homeopathic remedies by what you and others have termed “in an allopathic manner”. The worst that I have noticed is that a given remedy may not help the patient and whenever this occurs, I use another remedy which in most cases effects the expected cure.

I do not see any valid reason to subscribe to the classical method adopted by all classical homeopaths to treat the symptom instead of the ailment and shall continue to do so as I have invariably been able to help the patient successfully with the remedy, and this does not imply using Arnica alone all the time.

It is after using the classical method which I now reinforce with Radar that I was disillusioned with some years ago and it was after some tentative steps in the experimental use of remedies for the treatment of the disease that I finally decided to use this method which to me seemed to be the obvious method to be used for treating patients for their many ailments. I must admit that if I do not succeed in helping anyone to overcome his ailment after a few days, I do not hesitate to call upon assistance from Radar, and my friends in Sri Lanka and overseas to help the patient. However I am glad to state that the frequency of my calling for assistance has diminished in the recent past as I seem to be able to handle the majority of cases that are referred to me locally or on the forums.

I would like to conclude by placing on record that I value the criticism and support that other qualified Homeopaths have given me on this and other forums that enables me to improve on my own method of treatment. I do not pretend to be infallible but I do resent the unfair criticism bordering on defamation that I was faced with a few weeks ago on the NCH forum which thankfully is now effectively silenced by the moderators.

I would like to state that it is the thrill of helping someone, which as you may perhaps know, I always do free of charge, and my sincere dedication to Homeopathy, that impels me to continue in my efforts to help those whom I am able to do so with my own limited knowledge of Homeopathy which I am putting to the best use at my age of 76 years and which I hope to continue to do in the years ahead for as long as I live.

Joe De Livera
Sri Lanka

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