Merc sol homeopathic medicine

Amazing proof that homeopathy is not a scam – effect of Mercury sol on immunity

Pharma hates homeopathy

Many people don’t believe that homeopathy works. The biggest enemy of homeopathy is James Randi and of course Pharma industry. Here for example is Mr. Randi saying that homeopathy is a scam.

In this video he is claiming that something that is so diluted as homeopathy potency cannot have any effect on human health. Here’s the simple example – one drop of homeopathy tincture diluted inside the Olympic pool can’t have any effect on human health. He still claims that homeopathy has no effect on health.

On the other hand, even the royal family of England uses homeopathy regularly. Scientists, Pharma, James Randi can’t understand that homeopathy is working on the energy level so dilution of one drop of for example snake poison in 100 drops of alcohol, and repeating that 200 times to get 200 C homeopathic potency can work.

General facts about homeopathy

In fact, snake poison is used in homeopathy many times. For example, Lachesis is a very popular homeopathic medicine that is derived from a poisonous snake. Different toxic substances are used in homeopathy for example arsenic, mercury, spider poisons, snake poisons, cancer tissues, syphilis, etc. that are deadly if consumed if being used in raw preparations without dilution. But if you dilute the preparation even for example 6 times in hundred drops of alcohol repeating that 6 times to get 6C potency for example, that same toxic substance works as a medicine because it causes the body’s reaction.

There’s only energy left in the 200 C, 30 C, even 6 C potency and that is how the homeopathy works. Just today I was looking online for Mercury sol 200 C potency which is a popular homeopathic medicine and which counteracts the amalgam fillings that I used to have in my teeth years ago. People claim that amalgam leaves Mercury in our bodies for life.

The PubMed study that shows the effectiveness of homeopathy on the immune system

But as an accident, I came across this study which proves that homeopathy works.

I only believe in PubMed studies, which are accurate and not funded by pharma companies.

Here is the link to the study

In this study, they try to find out if Mercury sol has any effect on the immune system.

The main target of the study was the effect of Merc sol on Macrophages.

Macrophages are specialized cells involved in the detection, phagocytosis, and destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms. Also, they can present antigens to T cells and initiate inflammation by releasing molecules that activate other cells.

Macrophages play important role in immunity, auto-immunity, and immunopathology.

Merc sol homeopathic medicine

They used several potencies of Merc Sol, 6C, 12 C, 30 C, 200 C on mouse macrophages in vitro and in vivo. They gave the medicine to mice for 7 days and after that, they euthanized them and collected cells, and studied macrophages.

mice study pubmed homeopathy effectiveness on immune system

Adding Merc sol directly to the mice’s drinking water and also in vitro cells, showed a strong effect of homeopathic medicine on macrophages.

The study concludes that the high potencies of Merc sol have an outstanding effect on reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and cytokine secretion, which are central mediators of the immune system, wound healing, and body homeostasis.

The easy conclusion is that the Merc sol has indeed an effect on the immune system.

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