trauma eft healing

Using EFT on Traumatic Memories

(Including War, Accidents, Rape, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and all past abuses.)

This section starkly contrasts with conventional approaches. Here, we amalgamate an extensive range of emotional issues under one category—traumatic memories—and treat them as identical. In reality, they share the same cause: a disruption in the body’s energy system.

Traumatic memories give rise to a plethora of emotional reactions upon recollection. Some experiences intensify, triggering headaches, stomachaches, rapid heartbeats, sweating, tears, sexual dysfunction, nightmares, grief, anger, depression, and various other emotional and physical afflictions.

trauma eft healing
trauma eft healing

Let’s apply the knowledge from earlier. Recall the foundational principle of EFT: “All negative emotions stem from an interruption in the body’s energy system.”

Thus, every negative emotion linked to a traumatic memory results from a disturbance (“zzzzzt”) in your energy system. Consequently, the remedy is conceptually straightforward: eradicate the “zzzzzt,” and the emotional impact diminishes to zero. No more nightmares, headaches, or pounding heart. Your memory remains, but the emotional charge vanishes.

Our tool for this purpose is The Basic Recipe. A few rounds of this process should offer relief. The number of repetitions required depends on the number of aspects within the memory.

Aspects are crucial. They represent different facets of the memory contributing to emotional intensity.

Most traumatic memories center around a primary aspect, typically necessitating 1 to 3 iterations of The Basic Recipe for resolution. Within minutes, the problem often dissipates, with infrequent or no recurrence.

Some traumatic memories, however, entail multiple aspects. In these cases, additional rounds of The Basic Recipe are required, although this usually takes only 20 to 30 minutes instead of 5 or 6.

What we require is an approach to identify these aspects. Once located, addressing each sequentially neutralizes every facet of the memory. This can be efficiently achieved using the “short movie in your mind” concept.

View the traumatic memory as a brief mental film. Envision it as a theater projection, complete with a beginning, main characters, events, and an ending.

Ordinarily, this “movie” plays rapidly, culminating in an undesired emotion. Due to its swift pace, we overlook the potential presence of diverse aspects contributing to the negativity, attributing the emotion to the entire film.

By slowing down the movie, these different aspects can be pinpointed and managed. Narrate the movie out loud—share it with a friend, mirror, or tape recorder. Describe it in detail to decelerate its pace, as spoken words are slower than thoughts.

While recounting it, each aspect will surface. Halt when you sense intensity (prioritizing pain reduction) and apply The Basic Recipe to that aspect, treating it as an independent traumatic memory. In essence, it is a distinct memory within a larger context.

Proceed through the aspects, reducing each to zero until you can narrate the entire story devoid of any negative emotional impact.

Typically, most traumatic memories have a solitary aspect. Some have 2 or 3, rarely exceeding 3. In such cases, persistence is key; relief is within reach.

Questions and Answers

Q. What if I have multiple traumatic memories?

Address them one by one. Begin with the most intense memory, neutralizing it before moving to the next. Follow this pattern until all traumatic memories are resolved. This process often leads to a liberating sensation bordering on euphoria.

Releasing such unnecessary baggage is a remarkable gift.

Individuals like war veterans may possess numerous traumatic memories. For them, the generalization effect often applies. For instance, if you have a hundred traumatic memories, addressing around 10 to 15 can often suffice. Subsequently, emotional intensity for the remaining memories is likely to diminish significantly due to the generalization effect.

Q. Does rapidly eliminating emotional issues diminish the importance of delving deep into the problem?

Traditional methods presuppose that the root of these entrenched emotional problems resides in the recesses of the mind, necessitating exploration and unraveling. Disregarding this notion is perceived as neglecting the client and leaving the problem unresolved. EFT defies this perspective.

I have aided numerous individuals with traumatic memories, some exceedingly intense. Following EFT, not one person has displayed interest in further exploration or delving “to the bottom” of it.

To them, the issue is entirely resolved. Through my experience, EFT effectively addresses the root of the issue, causing a profound shift in attitude towards the memory. The transformation is evident in their words, demeanor, and posture, as fear evolves into comprehension.

These individuals seldom bring up the issue again, as it gains perspective through the elimination of the disruptive “zzzzzt” from the energy system—the true cause.

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